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Effects of Market Fire on Social-Economic Development of Nigeria

Fire is both a friend and foe to human beings. As a friend, the discovery of fire and its utilisation by humans facilitated their ability to tame the natural environment and to amongst other lay the foundation of civilisation. The heat of fire is behind most objects used by human beings. Fire is instrumental to the creation of basic needs that has improved and is improving the quality of life human beings.

 Fire is also a foe. Fire is a formidable foe dogging human existence from time past. In spite of its positive attributes, fire and in particular its management is the biggest challenge confronting human beings. This challenges cut across the development divide. Both the developed and the developing countries suffer fire outbreak resulting in the damage to lives and property.

 Fire outbreaks in the developed countries is becoming rare and when it occurs it is often associated with phenomenon such as forest and usually dry environment receptive to fire. The incidents of buildings, shopping malls, offices and markets catching fire is minimal. The safety and regulation authorities ensure that this incident is control. There are institutional mechanism including well trained fire fighters, equipment and insurance to mitigate the damage wrought by fire on human and property.

 This is not the case in developing countries. Developing countries suffer from the inability to manage fire. Thus fire outbreak is frequent and damaging to human beings and property. This inability to manage fire is the consequence of human and institutional deficiencies. On the human side is poverty of all type. On the institutional side are poverty of safety and regulatory agencies of all type, ill trained and ill equipped fire fighting squads and the absence and/or neglect of insurance covers for persons and property.

 Of recent, markets in different parts of country have suffered from fire outbreaks destroying mostly property. The perennial incidence of fire outbreaks in markets and the near paralysis of the authority to remedy the situation have caused huge social and economic losses to people. This has set back the progress of persons, institutions and infrastructures in numerous dimensions.

This paper examines the effects of market fire outbreaks on social and economic development in Nigeria. In other to accomplish this objective, the paper is divided into sections. They include introduction, governance context of fire management, incidence of fire outbreaks in markets, explanations for fire outbreaks, social effects, economic effects and the conclusion

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    Effects of Market Fire on Social-Economic Development of Nigeria

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